Work Schedule

This is a table that shows posts/notebooks that were created in past weeks. More will be added to the schedule as time and progess does on.

Unit 2: Intro to Web Development

Weeks 4 to 7

Week # Posts   Issues(Hacks) Recap
4 Work in Progess     Created a local server using flask and a local fastpage server and gained knowledge about the importance of collaboration.
5 Work in Progess     Customized local flask server and fastpages and assigned roles to each team member for the group project.
6 Work in Progess     Launched a group terminal in AWS with our local flask servers and brainstormed more ideas for our group project.

Unit 1: Intro to Tools and Resources

Weeks 0 to 3

Week # Posts   Issue(Hacks) Recap
0 First Post on Fastpage First Jupyter Notebook Hacks Understand how to use github, fastpages, and vscode.
1 First Python Quiz Image Test Hacks Tested programs like bash and vscode and updated Fastpages.
2 HTML Hack Screenshots InfoDb records Hacks Added more features(schedule, tags, search) into fastpages and learned how to use InfoDb records and List of dictionaries.
3 AppLab Quiz Planning Blog AppLab Quiz Link Hacks Used block coding to gain an understanding of how it works and how code is used to create apps.

Week 12: Recap of the Entire Trimester —

This recap will be written on the final week of the 1st trimester and will go over what I did, what I learned, what I hope to do, and what I hope to learn in the future.