Art From Other Classes

3D Animation

3D Animation is a computer art class that uses blender to create pieces of art. 3D Animation creates art by using both the elements of art and the principles of design. This is an image of a room that contains Valentine’s Day decorations. The shape used the most is the heart as that is what is used to represent love during Valentine’s Day. The art piece also uses many colors to bring the room and the objects in it to life.


Ceramics is an art class that uses clay to build unique objects that can express ones own artistic style. Here is an image of an art piece from that class. It is a pot that is shaped as a chess rook and that sits on top of a chess board. The piece is made up of only two colors, probably so that the piece is designed similarly to a traditional chess board.

Drawing and Painting

Drawing and Painting is using a canvas to draw or paint to express an unlimited amount of style and/or emotion. This trimester, it looks like the students were using aluminum cans to make their art pieces. This one is of a bald eagle surrounded by grassland and trees. The aluminum can gives the bald eagle a 3d effect that brings out the bird and makes it stand out from traditional drawings of art.

Improvements and New Ideas for the Next Trimester


For this Trimester, my group’s theme was food and builted a website based on it. Each of us contributed to the website by making a section that was individually created. This allowed us each to grow and become less dependent of each other as we were coding. However, we were not fully independent. Near the end of the creation of the project, most of the sections were still having problems. When one of us tried to ask for help from the others, the other three team members were unable to help not just because they had their own code to work on but because they didn’t know how the asker’s code worked. Each member had not had an understanding of how their teammates code worked and resulted in less team collaboration. For the next project in the next trimester, my team and I will need to REMIND each other to look at each others code and to help if they can and even use their teammates code to help themselves. The coding this trimester(at least for me) was better. It took a while and was difficult but I think with more experience and learning more on the way, my coding abilities will improve.

New Ideas

As stated in the improvements, an idea that can be beneficially for the team is sharing code with each other in order to help everyone. Helps both sides because they all can learn from going over code that needs fixing. This would be very useful for data structures as everyone would be using similiar methods for gathering data. Another idea could be to stick the group with data that is formatted the same in order for the group to have a clearer understanding on how it is being used in code.