Unit 3.1 Variables and Assignments

  • Variables are abstractions that represent values.

    • Values can be single data points or a list that has many data values.
    • Data can be numbers, Booleans, lists, and strings.
  • Python

    • Variables are defined by one word and uses the = sign to set that word equal to an inserted value.
    • Those variables are defined through numbers, string, list, or boolean based on its purpose.
      • Mathematical Expressions can be used if the variable is a number.
      • Functions can be used if list is defined.
      • Dictionaries can be used like lists but not exactly.
    • Variables work in many functions and conditions.
    • Variables can interchange by setting the value of a variable to the value of another variable.
    • To define a function, use the varable "def".
  • JavaScript

    • JavaScript has similar functions compared to python.
    • JavaScript Uses . . .
      • Numbers
      • Booleans
      • Strings
      • Lists

Unit 3.2 Data Abstraction

  • A list is made of elements placed in a certain order.
    • An element is a single value in a list
  • A string is different from a list because a string is made of characters and letters.
  • Data abstraction takes certain data elements from a list and puts them in one less complex representation of values. An example would be putting the data elements in a table.

  • Python

    • To Data abstract, lists are great in python. It allows formatting information to be easier and results in fewer mistakes.
    • Lists can be broken into more lists by having the data elements labeled in different groups and those groups put into a new list.
    • Single elements can be called uponed and seprated from the rest of the list.
    • "split()" splits a string into a list.
    • "join()" brings lists together into one string.