Question 17

I chose (C) but the correct answer was (D). A Protocol, no matter the type, does not effect the user’s internet connection and ensures equal bandwidth on the Internet. That is all decided by the device the user is using. Open protocols in the internet set a strandard of how data is transmitted between different manufacturers. Open protocol’s primary reason is to allow other devices to communicate.

Question 21

I chose (C) but the correct answer was (D). Binary sequences can be used to represent strings of characters, colors, and audio recordings. In fact, binary sequences can be used to represent almost anything. This makes Binary so popular, it only uses two symbols and can be used for anything.

Question 36

I chose (D) but the correct answer was (C). (D) is incorrect because it doesn’t generate the list with the starting value of 2. It goes 1 to 1+1 to 2 * 1+1 which equals 4, not 2. However, (C) is correct because the starting value of the list is 2. It goes 2 * 1 and then 1 to 1+1 but that is not shown. The first thing displayed is 2, making (C) the correct answer.

Question 39

I chose (B) but the correct answer was (D). An index for a list is the position in the list noted as a integer. A position in a list can also not be negative because list don’t have negative listed items. This makes it so that the answer needs to be a positive integer and the only one of those is (D) which is 4.