Test Results

Questions I missed

Question 2

I chose (B) but the correct answer was (A). The Internet Protocol Address of a user’s computer is meant to be public as it allows for other computers to talk and connect with each other. A group of cookies stored by the user’s Web browser is the greatest potential for compromising a user’s privacy because connecting to websites are not as secure as other places on the internet making it easy for attackers to steal personal data from them.

Question 6

I chose (B) but the correct answer was (C). A list of common keywords makes answering a person’s problem a lot easier and can help the program identify a question it does not recognize. It is least likely to have a list of computers and the corresponding IP addresses because that infomation doesn’t help answer a customer’s problem. It sends the customer to a place that can help but it is not used to direct the problem and assist in forming a better answer.

Question 8

I chose (C) but the correct answer was (A). Digital certificates are used to verify ownership of encrypted keys used in secured communication. They are just pieces of infomation that makes sure that encryted keys are in the right hands. Digital certificates are not able to confirm that a connection to a website is a fault tolerant because it’s just pieces of infomation. This makes the answer I only.

Question 22

I chose (D) but the correct answer was (A). When working on this problem, I misread the code segment and thought that the last if statement was inside of the first if statement. This made me think that the code segment would result in the robot turning itself in a loop forever and would never reach the grey square. However, the last if statement is not apart of the other if statements, making the code segment lead to the grey square for only Grid I.

Question 41

I chose (A) but the correct answer was (B). The code segment is already in decimal form but that wouldn’t even mattter because the list has to be sorted by the gentic code values. Without a sorted list, binary search wouldn’t work because the search algorithm pin points where a value is based on other values in a list and if the values are not sorted, the algorithm would be lost.

Question 49

I chose (A) but the correct answer was (B). The model can be modified just like how code can be modified. However, a simulation is limited by the model that it uses. A model might not be able to simulation certain parts that may be needed to form accurate predictions. However, models are easier to use for this type of simulation. It ends up coming down to how accurate does the data need to be.

Question 50

I chose (B) and (C) but the correct answers were (A) and (D). Algorithm B and C are incorrect because the number of steps needed as the size of the list increases gets very big because the slope it trying to multiply and raise the power of steps at the same time. This causes a dramatic increase of steps. However, Algorithm A will always have only 10 steps as the list size increases and Algorithm D is only raising the power to its slope and not doing both multiplying and raising the power. This results in less steps meaning that algorithms A and D will run in a reasonable amount of time.