Other Art From Other Classes

3D Animation

3D Animation is a computer art class that uses blender to create pieces of art. Below is a printed out image of a render featuring a scene that puts emphasis on a donut. This piece uses different elements of art and principles of desgin in order for the whole thing to act as one. Those are the things that make this type of work art.


Ceramics is an art class that uses clay to build unique objects that can express their own artistic style. Below is an image of a pot that looks like the IMP emoji. The design of this pot makes use of the horns and the top of its head as handles. This is a good piece not just because of the style but its functionality.

Drawing and Painting

Drawing and Painting is using a canvas to draw or paint to express an unlimited amount of style and/or emotion. Below is an image of a cat with a unique style that gets the impression of a broken reflection. This piece diplays more about the artist than any other piece because it shows their preferred style, their likes and dislikes, and their skill.

Improvements and New Ideas for the Next Trimester


The Hangman game created by team Lyntax was very good. It did everything we wanted it to do and the people who tested it enjoyed the project. However, even though the project accomplished the goals team Lyntax set for it, there is still room for improvement. Not much on the actual code but more on time management. There were steps that were set for us to complete but we would have some of the steps incomplete and resulted in a lot more work near the end of the project’s due date. To fix this, in the future, the steps that must be completed should be tracked by the day not the week. This will make it so work is done equal on each day instead of rushing it all on the last day.

New Ideas

As stated as an improvement, steps that would be complete would be tracked by the day not the week. Or at least more often resulting in more progress. Project ideas should also be brainstormed before even early planning in order to have more time. Project could and maybe even should be more simple. When browsing other programs made by other groups, most of the programs were not as complicated as a simulated game of hangman. I fear if future projects are even more complicated, we would be reaching out too far and would end up with a result that would not met requirements. However, it is good to challenge oneself as long as it is still possible.