Quiz Results

Questions I missed

Question 10

I chose option (C) but the correct answer was option (A). Option (A) is spreadsheets I and II and option (C) is spreadsheets II and III. Both option (A) and option (C) both have spreadsheets II and the spreadsheets I and III are similar in that they both have students’ grade point average. However, spreadsheet III is not the correct sheet because it only contains the names of the people who have a grade point average above 3.5 but not the actual grade point average values. It also excludes many students because of their grade point average values being less than 3.5. Spreadsheet I is correct because it includes all the students, their IDs, and their grade point average values.

Question 19

I chose option (A) but the correct answer was option (D). Option (A) is I and II only and Option (D) is I, II, and III. Both option (A) and option (D) both include sequences I and II but option (D) also includes sequence III. Sequence III is correct because the order that the steps take place in doesn’t matter. When taking the quiz, I ran the steps in my head and thought that the order of the steps would result in important data going missing. However, the steps don’t change the other steps used in the algorithm making the result the same as the other sequences and correct.