Quiz Results

Questions I missed

Question 6

I chose option (B) but the correct answer was option (A). Each packet contains data that will be transmitted and has metadata used to help that process but the metadata helps by containing infomation that determines the routing of that data. I said metadata contains the key needed to decrypt the data but that is not true. The computer receiving the data would be the one that has access to that key.

Question 20

I chose option (B) but the correct answer was option (C). I stated that only Goal II works but both Goal II and Goal III work. Goal III works with the metadata better than the data because the metadata contains the phone number of the callers and can identify the caller as a known criminal using this infomation.

Question 37

I chose option (D) but the correct answer was option (B). Both answers state that the time to draw n shapes is n^2 steps. However, option (D) states that that is an unreasonable amount of time while option (B) states that it is a reasonalbe amount of time. Option (B) is the correct answer because the time makes senses since it is drawing out a shape that would have 3 or more sides and might keep increasing.

Question 49

I chose option (C) but the correct answer was option (A). Option (C) doesn’t work because the variable “len” includes the max score resulting in the index being off by one. The index and the variable “len” might both be 2, making it so that the scores are never checked and resulting in a false outcome even if a student got the maximunm amount of points. In option (A), the length of score put into “len” doesn’t include the maximum score in index(1) and the score check can not be avoided since the loop is based on the size of “len” which is at least two.